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Sæson i Mammoth 2010/2011 ROOMATES - Besvar indlæg

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Mikkel Thybo skrev:
What up guys?

We are two danes, at the age of 19 and 21, going to Mammoth Mountain for snowboarding from January to May, searching for potential roomates and a place to rent. Since we live in Denmark we dont know a lot about housing in Mammoth, but we are looking for a place where we can split the rent with aprox. 6 other guys. This will make it much cheaper for everybody.
We are easy to come along with and we want our stay to be as cheap and nice as possible.
We are going to buy a car for transportation so shopping and going to the mountain will be a lot easier.
What we are looking for are fun roomates who like to have a good time. We are very open and chilled-out guys who love to snowboard.

Please contact us if you want a fun season in Mammoth with two danish guys.

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